Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I am so thankful that God has called Megan to serve in Ethiopia for this season of her life. I think back to one particular sleepless night where I was wrestling with God about her being half way around the world and think of the selfishness I was sitting in that night. The selfishness and fear on my part during those days of questioning seem so unreal to me today. Why would I want Megan to miss out on what God was calling her to? I am humbled daily as I hear stories from my daughter- Stories of kids who need families, widows who have nothing, children who are hungry, and the joy that Megan brings to their day as she helps provide for their needs.

The other day a story that she shared really made me stop, ponder and pray. She shared of a young girl our oldest sons age. She had been living in conditions that I can't begin to fathom. Megan (and the others working with her) was there when she came in off of the streets. She was there to love on her, care for her and provide basic needs for her. Here is Megan's account of that day:

Today, as I was hanging out at the foster home, Kelikas and Goldy, two people on the BCI staff, came in the gates with a 13 year old girl. They said hello and then quickly sat the girl down with us and went into the other room to talk with Sanite, the foster home mother. We didn't really know what was going on, but it didn't take long for us to figure out that the little girl, Enat, didn't have anywhere else to go. When we left the foster home, we asked Goldy about Enat. She was sent to BCI by MOWA (Ministry of Women's Affairs) this morning... She lived on the streets with her grandfather who was completely blind and mute. When you're a young girl, living on the streets is probably one of the worst possible scenarios, so MOWA asked BCI if the foster home could take her in. Of course they said yes, but they are in desperate need of sponsors for her. Enat literally came to the BCI office with absolutely nothing but the clothes on her back, so while we are in the process of getting her sponsors, I am going to try to collect some money to get Enat some food and clothing. If you are interested in helping Enat, please let my mom or I know. Looking forward to spending some time at the foster home tomorrow and getting to know Enat. Megan

(Thanks to those of you who have given- Enat will now have clothes of her own!)

Oh God I pray that we do not get so busy and comfortable in our daily lives that we forget the Enat's of the world. Break our hearts for what breaks yours. Move us out of our comfortable, selfish lives to care for those who need us to be You to them. Thank you for using Megan and Enat to remind me daily of those in our world who are in such need- Find us faithful caring for the least of these.

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