Monday, January 31, 2011

Are You Kidding Me?

I continue to be amazed that almost $25,000.00 has been given to the needs that exist on the island where my son and daughter are from. I am in complete awe when I think about each dollar that was given and each event that has taken place all to help those who call Zadecha Island home. Never in my wildest dreams a few months ago would I have thought that this could happen.

As most of you know the greatest need on the island is for clean drinking water. Water Is Life has had a crew on the island and as in everything us Hendersons try to do this is no easy task (You should see the eight of us trying to get out the door to go somewhere together). They have hit rock every time they drill and so for now Water is Life is researching water filtration systems that can be put into place to make the lake water clean. This is a much more expensive way of providing clean drinking water yet it is where we find ourselves. Next Sunday, David Harding who is in charge of Water is Life and a man from Wine to Water (A CNN Hero from 2009- Look this org. up on the web) will travel out to the island to see what is actually needed and to make a final plan to provide the clean water. This system will need solar power, pumps, and many other things not needed for a simple well yet the same results of clean drinking water will be available very soon. This may allow for water irrigation to take place as well which is also a great need for the island and so even if it is not the "easy way" it will end up being the better way in the long run. The cost is much more however there is a possibility of having help with the financial part as well (more to come on this later). These rocks didn't surprise God and as always He has a greater plan than we do!

The second greatest need on the island is for a medical clinic and I am very confident that this is going to be built soon. I am trusting that the finances will be in place soon for a teams to travel to the island to build the most amazing medical clinic in the region! If $25,000 has been given in a few short months I know that all that is needed will shortly be in place-

Tomorrow (Tuesday- Now Friday due to the huge snow storm!) in Nebraska, the Governor of Nebraska will be at a Middle School where they are having Garrett's Heart day- Simply unbelievable that a group of High School students are paying to dress down tomorrow and bringing money to help the Zay People!

In March, our friend JD who cuts our hair is having a day for Garrett's Heart. One Saturday all cuts and products at Hair by JD will be donated to Garrett's Heart- Simply unbelievable!
We are overwhelmed by the generous giving of people who don't even know our family or the Zay people. We are so thankful for our generous friends who care for us and the Zay people more that we could have ever hoped for.............

Thank you from the bottom of Garrett's Heart and MINE!!!!!
Please visit to give online or to find out more about Garrett's Heart


  1. Mendy, the Governor's visit has been postponed until Friday as school is out tomorrow due to winter weather. But praise God that he has blessed us with another chance this week. Governor's plans aren't easy to change, I would guess.

  2. And...they're Jr. High kids, Mendy. Leading their friends in amazing ways! Today, quite unexpectedly, they explained the mission to a large group of their peers. Great stuff! I can't wait to see what God does with their efforts. AND, some of the elementary parents want to help as well. Pray!!
